DEAL INSIGHT – WeDo Invoice Finance’s “Simple & Speedy” approach delivers again.
When WeDo Invoice Finance received the call from a trusted commercial broker to assist a small start-up transport operator, we just knew we could deliver an outcome FAST.
After securing a solid haulage contract over the next 12 months, this South-East QLD based Transport Operator approached his finance broker to assist with some cashflow challenges. Our client’s issue being the cashflow gap between getting paid in 3-4 weeks and having to pay wages every week.
4 days later WeDo Invoice Finance settled a facility and in doing so we’ve eliminated our newest client’s cashflow gap stresses. In fact, the Broker said to us;
“That was so Simple and Speedy. I’m going to stop focusing on Home Loans and send more debtor finance deals WeDo Invoice Finance’s way.”
Happy Client & Happy Broker – Just the way we like it!
Transport Operator
South-East QLD
January 2023